Seed Division
In the late 1960s Farmers Grain Elevator extended its reach to the grower by providing seed cleaning and processing services. As traditional wheat varieties became weakened by annual strains of evolving diseases, Farmers Grain Elevator saw the need to work closely with a renowned plant breeder in order to ensure the wheat grower was planting the best available product for that year. This was achieved in 1990 when Farmers Grain Elevator became a certified seed handler, marketer and distributor for Resource Seeds. Resource Seeds, with its team of plant breeders, has worked diligently for over twenty years to provide California growers with some of the best varieties of wheat in the world. Trials are done statewide in order to determine which variety of wheat is best suited for a particular area. With testing sites located nearby, Farmers Grain Elevator has the utmost confidence that we are delivering the best available product to the grower. Resource Seeds was acquired by Syngenta in 2009. Syngenta has retained the same excellent team of plant breeders from Resource Seeds during this transition. Farmers Grain Elevator continues its role as a certified handler, marketer, and distributor for Syngenta. In addition to our wheat seed services, Farmers Grain Elevator also cleans oats, barley, sunflowers and other grain products. Please view our Seed Newsletter before calling to place your order.